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Senior Guide: Causes Slips and Falls


Tender Home Care Agency, your provider of home care services in Gastonia, North Carolina, has been with many senior patients, and slips and falls are very common in old age. If they get into accidents often, it could lead to something more serious like body and muscle pain, huge abrasions, and even organ damage.

As providers of home safety in North Carolina, we’d like to share some of the factors behind your elderly folks’ susceptibility to slips and falls. Here under are some of them:

  • Vision problems. Poor eyesight is a result of aging but sometimes, environmental factors like radiation and medications contribute. It happens to almost everyone but others have it worse. Seniors who have poor eyesight are unable to spot hazardous areas and navigate complicated paths like stairs. Companion care is necessary for instances like this.
  • Frailty. With aging comes mobility issues. Problems with the lower extremities rooted in certain medical conditions like Arthritis, Vertigo, and Diabetes can affect their balance and posture.
  • Lack of vitamin intake. Lack of Vitamin D in the body results in fatigue and physical pain that can increase the likelihood of balance and mobility issues.
  • Clutter and hazards at home. When there are unnecessary things along the way, your senior loved ones are prone to dangerous falls. They should refrain from going alone to slippery areas like the bathroom. Professional caregivers can be of help when going in and out of the bathroom to ensure their safety.

These are only some of the reasons why seniors slip and fall. If supplementation can’t suffice, we are willing to take over to help them get through their days without physically hurting themselves through respite care. Contact us to get started!

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